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Abhyanga massage is a type of massage therapy which is used by practitioners of Ayurveda to treat their clients. The massage involves liberally covering the client in oil and then using smooth, gentle movements to rub the oil deeply into the body. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend that people receive abhyanga massage every day to keep their bodies balanced, healthy, and focused. Some schools in India offer certification in abhyanga massage, and some Western massage schools may offer brief courses which go over abhyanga techniques.

According to the principles of ayurveda, everyone has a specific body type known as a dosha. There are three doshas: pitta, kapha, and vata, and everyone has a specific balance of doshas which must be addressed in ayurvedic therapy. The idea of specific body types appears in many Eastern healing techniques, and it requires practitioners to be extremely flexible, as they must be able to formulate treatments on an individual basis for their clients; in abhyanga massage, your dosha determines what kind of oil should be used, and what sort of ingredients should be added.

Traditionally, Abhyanga Massage is performed in the morning, to clarify the mind and stimulate the client for the day. The client lies unclothed on a specially designed table, and the massage therapist pours warmed and specially formulated oil over his or her body. Sesame and coconut oils are commonly used, along with an assortment of herbs. The oil is allowed to soak in for several minutes before the massage therapist begins, using rhythmic, gentle strokes with the whole palm.

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